Join The Blessing Bag Challenge
Our prayer is to Give Blessing Bags all over the globe. Will you help us? No matter where you live, join us every 1st Saturday to Pack & Distribute 25 Blessing Bags in your community. #BlessingBagChallenge
Here are the 5 easy steps:
Grab 5-10 friends help you. It can be your family, co-workers, neighbors etc. Just ask! You can definitely give more then 25 Blessing Bags. Our main goal is for your to START. No excuses. Start small. Grab Walmart bags or Target bags. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about meeting the need in our community.
Choose a Location. Keep it simple. Pick someone’s house, park or community area to meet for packing the blessing bags. Keep Covid safety protocol in mind.
Have each person agree to bring (25) of one item. i.e. 1 person will agree to bring 25 pairs of socks. Another person can agree to bring 25 Walmart bags. Your other friend can agree to bring 25 bags of chips. You can bring 25 waters. You see how easy this is?
[Here are some suggestions: Food: Non-perishable items like tuna, vienna sausages, crackers, chips, fruit cups, anything canned that someone can pop-the-top and eat, stay away from hard fruit and tough breads, add in water bottle with the flavor packets or juice boxes, sweets like hostess or oatmeal cream pies, cookies etc. Hygiene: Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, lotion, wipes, washcloths, deodorant, combs, personal feminine products, shavers, chapstick, mints, etc. Extras: Socks are always a must, hats, gloves, hoodies, shoes, backpacks, bus passes, etc. Inspiration: Leave love notes of encouragement in each bag. Add in scriptures, pray over them and even include resource information for local support.]
Pack & Distribute on the 1st Saturday of the month and post on social media: We expect many cities, neighborhoods, communities, organization, families, friend groups to join us collectively. Make sure you tag #BlessingBagChallenge. You can distribute the Blessing Bags together or you can allow each person to take a few with them and hand out as they see fit.
If you’re committed, let us know. Fill out the form below and we will keep you in-the-know. There’s nothing we can’t do when God is at the center. Our hope is to activate communities to take baby steps in giving. It’s so easy when we come together. Let’s do this!.
What is Give Blessing Bags?
All it takes— is a bag and a heart.
Let’s give blessing bags. When we see someone on the side of the street or sleeping on a bench, we give blessing bags and slip away.
If you live near Charlotte, NC we meet every first Saturday at 8am in uptown at Community Matters Cafe. *You must sign up to attend due to COVID safety protocol.
What makes us unique is we give blessing bags to our volunteers to hand out where THEY see need. We keep blessing bags in our car and hand them out throughout the week. No need to look away when you see someone walking down the street! Now you can run to them and give blessings bags.
Sponsor a $5 blessing bag so we can continue to give blessing bags filled with love and essential items such as nonperishable food items and hygiene products. We hope to add in much needed items like bus passes, socks and clothes too. We also plan to fill our bags with resource cards for local support as well as words inspiration for encouragement.
Be a blessing. Give blessing bags.
To join our Give Blessing Bag Leadership Team email
Help us continue the mission of serving our fellow neighbors in need with a financial love offering to Give Blessings Bags.
Every month we serve a minimum of 150 people who live on the streets in Charlotte, NC with nonperishable items, hygiene products, clothes, and much needed goods/services like hats, gloves, blankets, bus passes and resource cards for local support + love letters for encouragement.
You can give openly and freely to Give Blessing Bags or you can specify the specific need you would like your gift to go towards such as becoming a "bus pass sponsor" and/or "bag sponsor" etc. Every month we meet up to Give Blessings Bags with your help.
What makes our mission unique is we give every volunteer with a number of blessing bags packed so THEY can distribute in their own neighborhood. We always drive past people in need, now with our Give Blessing Bag mission, we are armed with blessings to change someone's life.
Give Blessings Bags is a mission focussed branch of Stolen Lunches Inc. A 501c3 nonprofit organization in Charlotte, NC. Any financial gift at $250.00 or more is a tax write off. You will will receive a tax letter at the beginning of the following year. Want to start a Give Blessings Bag movement in your neighborhood? Click Blessing Bags at the top of the page to learn how.